The Emotional Detox: How Crying Can Improve Your Mood & Mindset

Have you ever wondered why a good cry can make you feel so much better? While society often associates tears with vulnerability, research suggests that shedding a tear is not just a sign of emotional release, but also integral in the process of self-soothing. In this blog, we're delving into the science behind crying and exploring why it can be so beneficial for your mental and emotional well-being. Get ready to discover the fascinating reasons behind the healing power of tears.


Studies in the Harvard Medical Review have concluded that crying releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, also known as endorphins. These are commonly referred to as the ‘feel-good’ chemicals in our brain and help to improve our mood. As opposed to basal tears (which form to keep our eyes lubricated ) or reflex tears (to help remove debris such as smoke or dust from our eyes), emotional tears contain higher levels of stress hormones; meaning that, when we release these tears, it’s akin to giving your emotional system a detox. Moreover, emotional tears contain more mood-regulating manganese than the other types, activating our parasympathetic nervous system to restore the body to a state of balance. This means that when you have a good cry, you're not just experiencing emotional release; you're also physically cleansing your body of stress-related chemicals. It's like hitting the reset button on your emotional state, leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.


Crying is an essential part of emotional processing. It allows you to confront and work through your emotions, promoting better emotional understanding and resilience. Crying can help you bounce back from life's challenges by clearing the mind and allowing for improved cognitive function. If our emotions are severely pent up, this impedes our decision-making skills and mental clarity. Once we release, we are primed to view our problems from a different perspective and tackle them in new ways.


Crying is not just about the release of pent-up emotions; it's also an essential part of emotional processing. When you allow yourself to cry and fully experience your emotions, you're engaging in a natural form of therapy. This process enables you to confront and work through your feelings, promoting better emotional understanding and resilience. Think of it this way: when you cry, you're acknowledging that something in your life has affected you deeply. It's an admission that you care about what's happening in your world, and this emotional processing can lead to personal growth and increased emotional intelligence.


Crying is not a sign of weakness; it's a powerful and innate tool for emotional well-being. By understanding the science behind why crying is beneficial, we can better appreciate the profound healing power of tears. So, let it out, and remember that shedding tears is not just a human response; it's a therapeutic one.