لماذا رعايتنا النفسية قبل كل شيء: أهمية معالجة الأَذَى النفسي

Why is our psychological care above all else?

Have you ever had any injury to any part of your body? Do you remember your reaction to this hurt?

There is no doubt that you rushed to treat this harm before it got worse, because we know very well that neglecting our physical wounds leads to their inflammation, which will make matters worse. But what about psychological harm? Do we deal with it in the same way? Or do we rush to hide it and turn a blind eye to it?

Psychological harm is no less important than physical harm at all, but for the most part, since it is invisible to us, that is, unlike physical harm, we constantly ignore psychological harm, and we are not aware of the magnitude of the impact of neglecting this harm and our constant ignoring of it, knowing that every time we ignore it, the matter increases. Difficulty and complexity.

We invite you to correct these behaviors and thoughts, and the first thing we can start with is awareness of the importance of psychological care in our lives, and the necessity of abandoning beliefs, behaviors, and thoughts that do not serve our path and goals, but rather make our lives more complicated.
Psychological care has a direct impact on our daily lives, on our feelings, behaviors, relationships, work, and all the details of our lives. If we want to live a good life, psychologically healthy, and behaviorally sound, we must give our psychological well-being its due, and take care of it just as we take care of physical harm. The more careful we are about our psychological care, the more this will be reflected positively in our daily lives.
Psychological care plays an essential role in developing happiness and stability in individuals. It guides our life choices and encourages us to adopt a healthy lifestyle that is consistent with ourselves. Here are some of the main reasons why it is important to take care of these hidden wounds:

Unresolved psychological abuse can: Similar to physical abuse, if left untreated, psychological abuse can worsen over time. It can lead to emotional distress and mental wellness problems and hinder our ability to function optimally.

Psychological well-being affects relationships: Our psychological well-being greatly affects how we interact with others. Unhealed wounds can lead to difficulties forming and maintaining healthy relationships.

Emotional well-being affects physical health: Research has shown a clear link between psychological well-being and physical health. Unresolved psychological wounds can contribute to chronic stress, a weakened immune system, and increased vulnerability to physical illness.

Self-Awareness and Personal Growth: Caring for psychological wounds requires introspection and self-reflection.

How can we care for and heal these hidden wounds? We begin by acknowledging its existence and seeking professional help if necessary. Therapists and counselors can provide guidance and support.

In addition to professional help, the Speak Up application includes some tools for self-care practices such as journaling, meditation, and participating in activities that bring us joy.

Let us realize that healing psychological wounds is not a sign of weakness, but rather a manifestation of strength.

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