
Bsaibes Yara

للعثور على السعادة ، عليك أن تخاطر بالتعاسة. إذا كنت تريد أن تكون سعيدًا ، فلا تحاول الهروب من التعاسة بأي ثمن. بل عليك أن نكتشف كيف - وبفضل من - سنتمكن من التغلب عليها
بوريس سيرولنيك
طبيب نفساني ومحلل نفسي

...I am Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist graduated from Paris-Diderot University in France and Saint-Joseph University of Beirut.
I am proposing individual therapy and parental guidance in three languages. (Arabic, French and English).
We will evaluate together during the first interview the patient's request in order to define together the modalities to move forward during the next sessions.

My priority is to listen to human beings in their complexity and totality by providing them with a benevolent, non-judgmental, confidential, secure, free expression and active listening environment while respecting the ethics of my profession.

Introducted to the analytical approach, i practice an integrative approach that is open to other currents of thought in order to adapt to the requests and needs of patients who come to consult me. I am training in Family and Group Therapy within the Psychoanalytic Family Therapy Society in Paris. I am initiated to art therapy and I can use it in sessions to make it a dynamic space if needed.

I have several years of experience in France and Lebanon in institutions, in prisons and in psychiatrist departement in hospitals. I took charge detenees, refugies, abused child and patients with different cultures who have experienced traumas in their lives such as serious accidents, sudden unexpected loss, mental disroder, death, childhood neglect, divorce, domestic violence, natural disasters and wars. I have worked also many years with children with autism and their parents.

Following covid-19, i followed people during confinement in order to support them in the difficulties encountered on a daily basis.

Actually i am Member of Psychoanalytic Family Therapy’s Society in Paris and Member of National Syndicate of Psychologists in France.

Gender Study
Family conflicts
Student accompaniement