Picking the Right Online Counselling Platform for Yourself

What should I hope to achieve from online counselling?


Online counselling can seem like unchartered waters. More than a few individuals believe that online counselling for depression, stress or anxiety may be ineffective at best. For others, it may seem like an unattainable feat. Others still might feel like even when they do want to venture into trying online counselling, they are unclear as to what they hope to achieve from online counselling or what exactly is the extent to which online counselling can help them alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress or other mental health issues. So, the question is simple, “What should one hope to achieve from online counselling?” And the answer is just as simple – the same thing one would hope to achieve from traditional counselling or therapy. Online counselling is still counselling, merely carried out via a different technological medium. It has all the perks (and more) of in-person, traditional counselling.  It involves highly trained professionals who know what they are doing and what to do their bets in order to help those that seek to improve their mental health as well as it is bound by the same norms of privacy and confidentiality that any other medical practitioner (virtual or not) would be bound by.

It is essential to reiterate that online counselling is counselling, and that the only difference is that during COVID-19 the former might be safer and more convenient than the latter.


In an age of technological advancement more rapid than ever – when embracing the newest technology, gadgets and other electronic devices are more a necessity than a luxurious choice – it is imperative to embrace that medical treatment and mental health solutions are also moving on with the times. And when our films/TV shows, games, parties, official (and even unofficial) events have all moved on to the virtual realm, what is the harm in our counselling sessions moving online?


However, the biggest question remains for many newbie seekers of online counselling or therapy – “what should I hope to achieve from online counselling?” And the answer will unfurl as you read on. The answer will comprise of trying to establish what features online counselling platforms such as Takalam Online Counselling offers and how one can know if it is the right fit for them?

What features should I look for?


  • Video chat


Takalam Online Counselling offers the option of using a video chat feature option during online counselling sessions with their counsellors and therapists. The video calling option can benefit those individuals especially who are keen on being able to view the person they are talking to. In addition, using this feature can be beneficial as it allows the counsellor to be able to see the movement and expressions of the client and helps them pick up on non-verbal signs and symptoms, which may help them in better diagnosing the causes and treatment for the mental health issue.


  • Voice calls


There is nothing more consistent than the good old voice calls. While it may seem as though voice calls are not the same as video calls and may make online counselling less effective, in fact, they have their own advantages. Imagine someone who finds it difficult to make eye-contact, feels conscious on camera or has social anxiety. While the phone call will also not be a cake walk for such individuals, at least it will be less pressure due to the lack of compulsion for turning on the camera. More so, the best part is that Takalam Online Counselling gives you the choice to choose from a variety of ways in which you can attend an online counselling session.



  • Privacy


What is better than a scientific research study to lay down the facts? Not a lot, some would argue. Here is what a narrative review on ethical issues in psychotherapy says about privacy in online counselling,


Because online psychotherapy can be provided anonymously and one is not seen entering the therapist's office, it can enhance the patient's sense of anonymity and privacy. Perceived or actual anonymity may lead in turn to reduced inhibition and greater openness in discussing emotional topics […] Technology-mediated communication can contribute positively to teaching and supervision and facilitates inter-professional and inter-collegial exchange worldwide. Online psychotherapy conducted by email or other text-based communication automatically generates a record of the sessions, and a videoconferencing approach enables sessions to be videotaped for later supervision […] Any stigma, stigmatization, or perceived stigma associated with seeking mental help services or concerns about being stereotyped can be reduced or eliminated by online psychotherapy. This may in turn help to address barriers to traditional psychotherapy such as concerns about anonymity and privacy (Stoll et. al., 2020).


What are you waiting for? Get booking!


  • Comfort with counsellor


Takalam Online Counselling offers the help of counsellors from diverse backgrounds and medical practitioners who can speak various languages for your convenience. You can speak to a counsellor in a language that suits you best for best results. With a lack of language or cultural barriers, you can make the best of all your online counselling sessions.


  • Safe and easy to book appointments and attend


In sync with the research-backed confirmation of increased levels of privacy and anonymity options available for online counselling, Takalam Online Counselling offers an easy and safe way to book the appointments for your online counselling sessions. It is a quick, user-friendly, and convenient way for you to book sessions. It is also super easy to book appointments and make it in time for your counselling session. Since traffic and travel time can be huge factors that may put individuals off in-person counselling. In fact, since the availability of mental health practitioners in clinics often coincides with working hours on weekdays, it may be difficult for working individuals to find the appropriate time to book an appointment with a counsellor/therapist. This is why online counselling offers a viable solution.


  • Reasonable prices


It can be quite difficult to look for an in-person counsellor that you both like and are able to afford. This is where online counselling comes in. It is becoming increasingly popular as well as cost-effective.



How do I know it is right for me?

“Do not knock it until you have tried it,” is a motto to live by in almost all matters of life. Similarly, when it comes to online counselling, it bodes well to see for yourself whether or not it may be the right choice for you. If you are someone who has already tried in-person therapy and found it too daunting to show you any results or if you are someone who has never ventured into any form of counselling and would like to make a start, then online counselling might be just the appropriate thing for you.

Online counselling is a safe way to seek help and try to improve your mental health, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when a parallel world of virtuality is running along with the good old physical world of socializing and human contact. If you feel like online counselling might be the right mental health solution for you or just want to give it a try and see if it helps, you can book in a session with trained professionals through

Takalam Online Counselling at: https://takalamhere.com


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