Building Better Mental Health

What is good mental health?


Being mentally healthy means being resilient, managing emotions, coping with stressful life events, and maintaining healthy relationships.

Mental health is not about being ill or having a mental disorder. It is a part of a bigger picture, let us think about the emotional experience we go through on our daily basis, the ups and downs we go through, feeling anxious, angry, afraid, sad, surprised, happy, etc. It is part of our instinct to live all these kinds of feelings to add colors to our life however when emotions interfere with our behaviors and functions it could be a sign of a mental problem. Factors such as genetic, daily stresses, and life circumstances can contribute to having a common mental disorder like depression and anxiety, which is known as mood disorders.


Take care of your mental health


The new modern way of getting treated is by using an online counseling platform, easily you can reach out to expert therapists of your choice, while you are comfortably at your place. Ignoring those red flags symptoms, leaving them untreated, could turn to long-lasting chronic disorders, that associate with a disability, preventing you to be active and productive in the community. According to World Health Organization, mental health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Positive mental health states like content, fulfillment, and thriving are significantly correlated with our cognitive and behavioral performance. It is your responsibility to nurture your well-being by feeding it the right care to maintain health.


Building better mental health with Takalam


To live a meaningful, satisfying life, you have to make sure to seek early psychological intervention and appropriate treatment. Reaching the full potential goal of effective evidence-based treatment by understanding your inner-self and coping with the symptoms. The lack of understanding of mental health, the uncertainty of how to get help, the fear of disclosing a mental health problem can all be solved with Takalam, we can provide you all the information to perceive the obscure. Takalam offers a full confidential online session with highly secured privacy, accessible all the time, at affordable prices, conducted by professional licensed counselors and therapists. Takalam counselors provide individual sessions, couples sessions, family sessions, and group sessions. Starting from children to geriatric counseling, sessions are for different occasions like life transitions, relationship issues, addiction, self-harm, identity crisis, adolescent issues, mindfulness, anger management, and behavioral modification sessions.

Our mission to promote mental well-being starting from UAE to the MENA region. It is the new era of change your health comes first, together we will diminish the stigma around seeking psychological support, it is your right to be mentally well. If you want to talk we are here to listen, if you are lost we are here to guide you.


Watch the YouTube video below to learn more from professionals and students on what mental health means to them. 

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