Are We Ignoring The Mental Health Of Stay-At-Home Individuals?

There is much discourse about the mental health and emotional well-being of people in the workforce. We have heard discussions about the moods of workaholics, the levels of stress and anxiety they undergo as well as instances of depression in employed individuals. However, there is little data about the mental health of those that are not proactively accounted for in the workforce.


The mental wellness of stay-at-home individuals is often ignored.


It should not be difficult to understand the plight of stay-at-home individuals, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of us were confined within the four walls of our houses, and there were days when our minds went on an emotional rollercoaster of experiencing feeling sad, angry and frustrated.


Isolation is one of the major causes of trauma and psychological stress brought upon individuals who do not have a regular workplace outside of their own home. They may feel isolated from friends, family and the outside world in general, where new and unexpected occurrences happen all the time. While staying at home may invite you into a well-practiced routine, it may also push you into a monotonous whirlwind of knowing exactly what is to come. This lack of excitement that comes from following a routine of the expected, may bring feelings of anxiety and sadness because there is a confused sense of what is to come next and individuals may feel like they have nothing new to look forward to.  


The influx of negative feelings that wash with the isolation of staying at home, may bring emotions that are damaging to relationships. You may be sad or angry about your situation and end up dumping those feelings on your partner or other family members. This is why channelizing your stress and coping with it in an effective manner is of utmost importance.


Online therapy from Takalam Online Counselling and stress management discussions from a psychologist or therapist can help individuals gain perspective and equip themselves to fight feelings of hopelessness that come from having been restrained in a domestic realm. If you are facing the psychological impacts of having to stay at home, especially during lockdowns, make sure you support yourself by seeking help from trained professionals offering therapy.

With little help from Takalam, you can carve out your own way towards happiness and inner peace. And when you have to stay at home, online therapy is the way to go!


Always remember that while it may seem impossible to look for the bright side in every situation, there is always a possibility to spot silver linings.


Acknowledge that staying at home may bring negativity for you or some people in your lives. After having made that acknowledgement, you can begin to heal. Support the people in your life that stay at home by letting them know that they are equally important parts of the world. Make time on weekends to appreciate the work they put in by staying at home to make sure your family life run smooth. Usually, people who stay at home are primary caregivers, but that does not mean they do not need to be taken care of as well – and if you feel like they may be suffering from stress, anxiety, depression or simply unhappiness, then make sure they get the help they need. It is our job to protect ourselves and those in our lives who protect us.

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